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Obraz zawierający tekst, komputer, computer, prezentacja

Opis wygenerowany automatycznie

This year's edition of the NNW International Film Festival was an opportunity to listen to a lecture by the Director of the Jan Karski Institute for War Losses, Prof. Konrad Wnęk. The lecture took place on 30 September in the building of the Naval Museum in Gdynia.

After briefly characterising The Report on the Losses Sustained by Poland as a Result of German Aggression and Occupation during the Second World War, 1939-1945, Director Konrad Wnęk outlined a number of popularisation methods that make it possible to reach a mass audience.

The Director emphasised the importance of popular culture and the means available today to reach a mass audience. Various types of publications, games for telephones and computers, conferences, scientific seminars and competitions were just some of the popularisation methods identified during this lecture. The Director of the War Losses Institute pointed out that the institution he heads is open to suggestions and ideas from outside, including from possible recipients of its message, according to their expectations.

All these methods make it possible to make the young generation aware of the impact of the losses suffered as a result of German aggression and occupation also on Poles today.

Given that the nightmare of the Second World War swallowed up all the wealth earned by the citizens of the Second Republic during the inter-war period, it is not surprising that our current national income is lower than that of the Germans. This is still a palpable consequence of the aforementioned conflict; as are a number of economic factors beyond our control, which contributed to Poland's lack of proper development during its domination by the Soviet Union.