We are pleased to announce that the first edition of the competition begins on 3 October 2023, "Untold Civilian Stories".

Video file

The aim of the competition is to select the best film showing civilian memories from the Second World War. 

People aged 7 to 26 can take part in the competition. 

The competition is divided into three groups: 
Group 1: 7-12 year olds 
Group 2: 13-18 year olds and
Group 3: 19-26 year olds. 

In each age group, you can win: 
a. for taking first place - PLN 7,000 gross 
b. for taking second place - PLN 5,000 gross 
c. for taking third place - PLN 3,000 gross.

We invite entrants to submit their works in the period from 3 October 2023 to 30 November 2023.

Works should be sent only in electronic form to the e-mail address:

People wishing to take part in the competition are asked to read the competition regulations.

Good luck to all taking part!