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On August 31, a gala ceremony was held at the headquarters of the Jan Karski Institute for War Losses in Warsaw, at which awards were presented to the winners of competitions for the best thesis. The guests were welcomed by the Director of the Institute, Konrad Wnęk, PhD, Prof. of the Jagiellonian University. This was followed by congratulations to the winners by Arkadiusz Mularczyk, Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs, via a remote video link.

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The competition for the best bachelor, master and doctoral thesis was announced in the spring of 2023. According to the verdict of the Competition Jury, the Director of the Institute handed out awards and distinctions to the participants.

In the category of the best doctoral thesis, the 1st prize was awarded to Dr. Bartłomiej Ługowski from the Maria Curie-Skłodowska University in Lublin for his thesis entitled: "Administration of rural communes in the Lublin District of the General Government in the years 1939-1944". The Commission did not award the II. and III. prize in the doctoral dissertation competition.

In the category of the best master's theses:

- The 1st prize was awarded to Karolina Morgiel, MA, from the Eugeniusz Kwiatkowski University of Administration and Business in Gdynia for her thesis entitled: "The execution of war reparations for Poland in the context of international law in the years 1945-1991";

- The 2nd prize was awarded to Małgorzata Musiał from the University of Szczecin, for her thesis entitled: "Classification and description of the written sources in the everyday life of the prisoners of Stalag II D in Stargard in the years 1939-1945";

-  The 3rd prize was awarded to Mr Jakub Zapędowski from the Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński University in Warsaw for his work "Konzentrationslager Warschau as a site of non-remembrance: disputes and conflicts regarding the commemoration of the former Nazi concentration camp in Warsaw."

A special distinction was awarded to Mr Patryk Tomaszewski from the Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński University for his work "'The Aryan Race' before the Tribunal in Nuremberg and the further fate of the defendants."

In the category of the best bachelor's theses:

- the 1st prize was awarded to Ms Karolina Pieniążek from the Łódź University of Technology for her work entitled "[IN]VISIBLE. A design of a public building and the concept of reconstruction of a building complex for the purpose of commemorating the preventive camp for Polish minors at Przemysłowa Street in Łódź";

- the 2nd prize was awarded to Mr Krzysztof Oleksiak from the Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński University in Warsaw for his work "Unique material remains of World War II in Warsaw. The method of their preservation, protection and presentation on selected examples";

- the 3rd prize was awarded to Mr Jakub Kuliś from the University of Łódź for his work "Settling accounts for World War II on the pages of "Tygodnik Powszechny" in the first years of the magazine's existence."

Following the awards ceremony, the winners had the opportunity to talk with the Institute's Management in a more relaxed and informal atmosphere. The winners and their accompanying persons learned first-hand about the character of work, the tasks and the challenges faced by the Institute of War Losses.